Copywriting for wedding pros who don’t want to sacrifice their voice for a sale

It’s time to let go of that copy + paste website of yours.

Trust me dude, I get it. When you started your business, all you were worried about was having a website at all. But now it’s been a little while. You’re a whole lot more experienced than you were back then. And you know your copy needs an upgrade.

But where the hell do you start?

You’re a wedding pro – you live for the problem-solving and creativity that goes into making your couples’ day special. 

Top-notch service is your jam. It’s mine too. And I wanna help you create messaging that matches that blow-their-minds service you provide to your couples every day. To do that, you can’t write copy that just gets the job done.

You need copy that has couples knocking on your digital door at 3 am dying to work with you. That gives you a waitlist longer than the Chick-fil-a line during the lunch rush. That creates loyal clients who will open their wedding album 20 years from now and say “my special day wouldn’t have happened without them.” And that’s exactly the kind of copy I’m into. 

Don’t settle for simply being seen. Stand out. 

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Hey, I’m Emily.

My official title is “copywriter for wedding pros.” But I prefer “your problem-solving, revenue-building, not-so-secret wordsmith weapon.”

One thing you’ll quickly learn about me? I don’t stick to the script. No copy-and-paste templates over here. We bake all copy from scratch.

My primary focus is taking all those awesome things about your brand and turning them into authentic, magnetic messaging. Oh, and bonus if you’re here to shake up the industry. Because why the hell would you want your website to sound like anything other than you?

“Emily delivered copy for my wedding planner's website that was above and beyond.

She was an absolute delight to work with and I highly recommend her. Being a copywriter myself, it's difficult to pass off the task of writing to someone else. But I could tell immediately she knew the wedding industry inside and out, so I decided to work with her. And frankly, I was blown away. Not only did she make high-level recommendations with clear industry expertise, but she provide a white-glove service. From start to finish, Emily is professional, caring, and a breeze to work with.”

— Sarah Turner

Cocktail Hour is so underrated. 

I mean, c’mon. Great food, even better drinks, and time to hang out and mingle? I know we all came to dance but let’s not rush it, okay? Take a seat at the bar and allow me to serve you the perfect copy cocktail.

What can I help ya with?

Something sweet and simple that I could make at home.


Free copywriting resources for the wedding pro who just needs some quick tips. 

A rum and coke, I guess – I don’t know what else to order.


Done-with-you copywriting services for the wedding pro who needs an expert’s eye (and maybe a cheerleader).

Your signature drink, of course. Don’t leave out the umbrella!

Full Service

Done-for-you copywriting services for the wedding pro who’s ready to hand over the reins.

When it comes to your website, first impressions are everything.

The #1 thing I hear wedding pros say before we work together? “My website doesn’t sound like me.”

When it comes to marketing your business, the first impression can make or break that connection. As a wedding pro, YOU are your brand. If your website sounds nothing like you, you’re getting lost in the shuffle.

Anyone can work a wedding. But no one does it quite like you. Show your website visitors what you’re all about!

Take a look at these reactions to first impressions of my copy, straight from my clients.

Need help with your blog? Let me introduce you to my signature blogging resource

Crafting Blogs That Sell

This is the actual, step-by-step process for blogging that brings in 45% of my inquiries. 

Seriously. With this process, I can knock out a blog in less than 2 hours. 🤯  Broken down into 4 phases, this resource will walk you through my exact blogging process from start to finish, so you know exactly what to say – and how to say it, and how to actually get it down on the page, and how to optimize it…the whole shebang.

With this jargon-free, bite-sized blogging process, you’ll learn how to:

  • Figure out what your audience cares about reading  

  • Keep readers on the page

  • Appease the stubborn SEO gods 

  • Turn your readers into paying clients 

  • Repurpose your blogs for social media 

  • Track your blogs’ health to make the most of your time

Enlisting my blogging services will cost ya $650 for my lowest package (2 blogs). OR – you could grab Crafting Blogs That Sell for $397 and write literally as many blogs as you want. Whatta ya say?

 Not into weddings? I’m judging a little. I’d still love to work with ya, though.

Though writing kickass copy for the wedding industry is my jam, I’m happy to work with creatives in other industries that align with my values. If you’re an ambitious business owner looking to level-up your brand messaging, hit me up! I’d love to see if we’re a good fit. 

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