Your high school English teacher set you up to fail. 

Couples aren’t interested in reading a five-paragraph essay on why you’re the wedding pro for the job. They wanna get a sense of who you are, what you’re about, and how you can help them create the wedding of their dreams. But how do you do that without sounding exactly like every other wedding vendor on the internet?

Ya break the rules. Just about all of ‘em. 

Because copy that sells doesn’t sound like a thesis statement. 

There’s no quick solution for creating magnetic messaging.

Nope. If you’re looking for one of those quick copy-and-paste solutions, you won’t find it here. I don’t believe there are quick fixes for copywriting, and you shouldn’t either. 

Whether you’re just looking for a little advice or a whole messaging revamp, I’ve got you covered. Learn more about my services below.

I write everything you’ll need to help your business run, including:

  • Website Copy

  • Blogs

  • Emails

  • Client Info Materials

Website Copywriting

Introduce yourself to couples with website copy that sounds like you and sells. Your website is the foundation of your brand - let’s make sure couples are hanging on to every last word.

  • Starting at $3,400

    This package includes:

    • Messaging Questionnaire 

    • 60-min kick-off call

    • Branding & Competitor Research 

    • Up to 4 pages of website copy (additional pages available) 

    • SEO Optimization & Metadata for each page

    • Image Optimization

    • 2 rounds of edits

    • SEO audit 3 and 6 months after website is published

Emily | Faye Street Creative

“My website voice is so spot on!! I feel like prospective clients can really get to know me when looking at my website, which makes for an easier transition from prospective to actual client. Working with Emily was the easiest & best thing I ever did for my website!”

Optimized Blog Copywriting

Blogs are an immensely valuable marketing tool: they educate potential clients and are a great way to boost your website SEO.

  • Choose the number of posts you'd like to be delivered in a bundle! This is perfect if you're just starting a blog and want to increase your content quickly, or you've neglected your blog and want content to drip out to your audience over a few months.

    Starting at $650 for 2 blogs


    • Voice Questionnaire

    • Market Research & Content Ideas

    • 60-min blog strategy session

    • SEO Optimization 

    • Image Optimization

    • 1 round of edits per blog

  • Blogs delivered monthly to increase your organic traffic and drive more eyes to your site!

    Starting at $700/month


    • Messaging Questionnaire

    • 60-min Blog Strategy Session

    • Keyword Research & Topic Suggestions

    • Market & Competitor Research

    • SEO Optimization & Meta Data 

    • 1 Round of edits via Google Drive

Shelby | Plan On It Events & Design

“Hiring Emily for my copy gave me a website that I 100% knew would help clients get to know my team and showcase our services to increase bookings. I feel SO GOOD about our offerings and how we are going to showcase them moving forward. She captured my voice so well!”

SEO for Wedding Businesses

Ah, SEO. The thorn in the side of wedding pros everywhere. I’ll be honest - SEO is complicated. Luckily, there’s no need to spend hours learning it for yourself - time to outsource, my friend!

  • For your website, blog, or both! I'll create a custom SEO strategy that meets all of the needs and demands of your business. In just 2 weeks, you'll have a plan that is complete and ready to bring you closer to that top spot on Google.

    Starting at $1,650


    • Goal-Focused Questionnaire 

    • Competitor Research

    • Competitor Reporting 

    • Keyword Research

    • Keyword Spreadsheet, broken down by website page and/or blog topic

    • Recorded explanation of all data and reporting delivered via Loom 

    • 60 min Q&A Session post-delivery for any lingering questions 

    • Follow-up support via email

  • Once a month, I'll check in with a report on your website and/or blog SEO. We’ll cover the health of your website, keyword rankings, traffic reports, and more. This package can be added to a website copy or blog package, or purchased a la carte.

    Starting at $75/month


    • Initial Website Audit 

    • SEO Data Spreadsheet

    • Monthly Report via Video 

    • Suggestions for improvement

Amy | Amy Jordan Photography

“I liked that Emily specialized in the wedding industry. I loved her organization, the expectations laid out ahead of time and the timeline! I was impressed with how well she worked together with my website designer to make it all come together. It was a smooth & seamless process and I'm so grateful to Emily for helping me improve my copy on my website!”

Email Copywriting

Emails are the highest-converting form of copywriting ever: the average ROI for email marketing is $40 for every $1 spent. Crazy, right? In a world where our inboxes are inundated day in and day out with impersonal and spammy-sounding emails, make sure yours stand out.

  • Bi-weekly or monthly newsletters to update your list with current projects, life updates, and exciting announcements.

    $75 per email

  • Have a set of email templates ready to go for all of your repeated processes. This could include onboarding and offboarding sequences, reminders to leave a review, responses to FAQs, and so much more.

    $100 per email

  • A typical welcome sequence is 5-7 emails that introduce your brand to new subscribers. This is your one chance to make a great first impression - don't waste it!

    $200 per email

  • A sales sequence is a strategic set of emails crafted specifically to sell one or more of your services. Use this when you launch a new service for the first time, or whenever you're having a special sale or event! A typical sales sequence is around 12 emails, depending on the scope of your service.

    $250 per email

Alexa | Monarch Creative Events

“I was in information overload and saw the copywriters I loved, but knew I couldn't afford. Then I would find companies I could afford, but I just didn't trust they could do what I needed. Emily had it all. I just loved her, to be honest. I trusted her instantly. She gave me confidence!” 

General Copywriting Services

Consistency is key when it comes to messaging. Need something other than a website, blog, or email? You’re in the right place. Round out your messaging uplevel with any of these general copywriting services.

  • Stand out from other vendor listings with a bio that matches your brand and sells your stuff. This package is intended for vendor listings like Wedding Wire & The Knot. I do not recommend this package if you're looking for a bio for your website.

    This package includes:

    • Messaging Questionnaire

    • Bio copy (up to 300 words)

    • 1 round of edits via Google Drive


  • Anything your clients read before, during, and after they book with you will help (or hinder) their experience. I can write copy for all of these marketing pieces, with topics including:

    • General Information

    • Services & Pricing

    • Client Onboarding

    • Client Offboarding

    • Helpful Guides

    • Opt-In Materials

    This package is completely custom and price is determined by the estimated word count. Typically 1 page is about 500 words. I can give you an accurate quote after meeting with you to discuss the details of the project.

    Sample Pricing:

    3-page freebie guide - $550

    5-page services PDF - $750

    7-page Onboarding packet - $1000

    *Sample provided for context only. Pricing is based on the unique specifications of your project.

In more of the DIY stage of business right now?

Get an expert set of eyes on your words.

Copywriting Audits

Starting at $350

I’ll take a look at your existing copy and give you my honest opinion. We’ll work through both the technical and personal parts of copywriting, including SEO, sales psychology, grammar, brand voice, and more. You can use this for your website, blog, emails, info packets, and pretty much anything else you can think of.

Package includes:
- Messaging Questionnaire 
- Market and Competitor Research 
- Copy audited live via Loom Video
- A custom plan with action steps to implement your audit 
- 30-min review call 

Brand Messaging Guide

Starting at $1,700

Whether you're starting up your business, going through a re-brand, preparing to hire a team, or just want to have a go-to document to keep your messaging consistent, you've gotta have a strong foundation. A brand messaging guide gives you all the messaging assets you need to write your own copy, communicate with your clients, and sell your services. 


Guide includes:

  • Brand Voice & Tone Summary

  • Values & Mission Statement

  • Copy Samples

  • Client Communication Guidelines

  • Value Proposition

  • Professional Bio

  • Ideal Audience Psychology Profiles

  • Content Copy-Editing Guidelines

  • CTA Bank

Strategy Sessions


60 minutes of my undivided attention to ask me anything and everything about copywriting and SEO. Wanna learn about writing blog posts that make bank? Making an SEO strategy you can actually keep up with? Whatever you’re wondering, I’ve got you.

Package includes: 
- Business Questionnaire 
- 60-min strategy session
- Follow-up email with action steps and additional resources based on your topic 
- Access to me via email for follow-up questions

my signature blogging resource

Crafting Blogs That Sell

This is the actual, step-by-step process for blogging that brings in 45% of my inquiries. 

Seriously. With this process, I can knock out a blog in less than 2 hours. 🤯  Broken down into 4 phases, this resource will walk you through my exact blogging process from start to finish, so you know exactly what to say – and how to say it, and how to actually get it down on the page, and how to optimize it…the whole shebang.

With this jargon-free, bite-sized blogging process, you’ll learn how to:

  • Figure out what your audience cares about reading  

  • Keep readers on the page

  • Appease the stubborn SEO gods 

  • Turn your readers into paying clients 

  • Repurpose your blogs for social media 

  • Track your blogs’ health to make the most of your time

Enlisting my blogging services will cost ya $650 for my lowest package (2 blogs). OR – you could grab Crafting Blogs That Sell for $397 and write literally as many blogs as you want. Whatta ya say?

  • "Emily can take a scrambled mess of ideas and effortlessly turn them into a coherent message. I'm amazed."

    “Ohmygosh - I am now rewriting my site copy using all the tips you gave me during our audit - and it's sooo much easier. All the little gaps are filled in, there is more infusion of my personality, and I feel like you've given me the permission I needed to truly attract the type of person I want to work with.”

    Emily | by Emily Jane

The proof is in the copy.

Good copywriting doesn’t just sell your services - it makes you confident about your brand and helps couples fall in love with you before they ever meet you.

Check out a sample of projects I’ve worked on for some freaking incredible wedding pros.